Meaning of flowers

The saying: "Say it with flowers", exists for a reason! With flowers, it is possible to get a message across. Almost every flower has its own meaning.


Flowers names starting with the letter A

Acacia Friendship
Agapanthus Love
Alstroemeria Every petal has a meaning: understanding, humour, patience, compassion and respect. The flower of friendship
Amaryllis Pride, admiration
Anemone Caring
Anthurium Devotion, exotic beauty
Apple blossom Happiness, beauty
Aster Autumn joy
Azalea Prudence, vulnerability, be careful

Flowers names starting with the letter B

Begonia Balance
Blue grape Loyalty
Buttercup Wealth, childishness
Bouvardia Versatility

Flowers names starting with the letter C

Camellia Beauty
Campanula Gratitude
Carnation Devotion, fascination but also capriciousness
Celosia Boldness
Chrysanthemum Happiness, health and honesty
Clematis Inner beauty
Columbine Unreliability
Crocus Spring herald, joy

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Flower names starting with the letter  H

Hibiscus Rare beauty
Hortensia Surprising, understanding, impulsiveness but also instability
Holly Joy and light
Hyacinth Peace, beauty and pride

Flower names starting with the letter  I

Iris I have a message for you.

Flower names starting with the letter  J

Jasmine Hope for mutual feelings, tenderness, friendship and loving one's.

Flower names starting with the letter  L

Laurel Fame, victory
Lilac Fall in love
Lily Purity and happiness
Lily of the valley Simplicity
Lisianthus, Eustoma Appreciation, gratitude
Lotus Purity and perfection

Flower names starting with the letter  M

Marguerite Innocence, you make me happy
María flower Purity, innocence
Marigold Gratitude, affection and loving memory. In many countries it is a funerary flower.
Mimosa Sensitivity, vulnerability

Flower names starting with the letter N

Narcissus Vanity and selfishness (hence the term: narcissist) In the East this flower is a symbol of sad love.

Flower names starting with the letter O

Orange blossom Fertility
Orchid Beauty, love, affection

Flower names starting with the letter P

Passion flower Passion of Christ, stands for sacrifice and peace
Petunia I appreciate your company
Peony Happy life and health
Poppy The poppy is a symbol of comfort, but also a symbol of remembrance of the dead
Primula Hope

Flower names starting with the letter R

Ranunculus Charm
Rose Love, affection, happiness and jou

Flower names starting with the letter S

Scabiosa Unhappy love
Smoky pea Subtle enjoyment
Snapdragon Love for science, keeping secrets
Snowdrop Hope, peace and power
Straw flower Immortality
Sunflower Strength, admiration, loyality

Flower names starting with the letter T

Tulip Red stands for perfect love, purple for royal, yellow for joy and white for forgiveness.

Flower names starting with the letter  V

Vanda Peace
Violet Confidence