Ordered before 14:00, delivered today

Customers give us an 8.8

Local sustainable florists

7 day freshness guarantee


Who will you surprise with a beautiful bouquet?

Order flowers

Something to celebrate? Then you can easily and quickly send a beautiful congratulatory bouquet via Fleurop. Whether it concerns a birthday, anniversary, new home or colleague. You surprise them with flowers!

Of course you can say anything with flowers! From a personal thank you, to cheer someone up and encourage them or to celebrate a birth. Flowers always make you feel good.

There are also popular times to order flowers, such as Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day or Christmas. We arrange the most beautiful bouquets with love!

How can I order flowers online?

  1. Order a bouquet that suits the recipient.
  2. Select a beautiful greeting card and add a personal message. Choose a nice gift, such as a vase or chocolate, to make the surprise even more special.
  3. Enter the delivery details and then your details.
  4. Complete the order and you will automatically receive a delivery confirmation.

Can I order flowers in a vase?

What are flowers without a vase? Complete your surprise by ordering flowers with a vase! We have selected a matching vase for each bouquet that you can easily add during the ordering process. Even when you choose a large bouquet, you will automatically see a larger vase.

Of course you can also add other gifts to your order, such as chocolate and cuddly toys.

Deliver flowers in The Netherlands

Thanks to our large network of local Fleurop professional florists, you can send flowers anywhere in the Netherlands. If you place your order before 2 p.m., the bouquet will be put together with attention and love and personally delivered by the local Fleurop florist. For Saturdays, orders placed before 12:00 noon will be delivered on the same day.

Order flowers abroad

No matter the distance. We deliver your floral greetings with love worldwide. Thanks to the unique Fleurop Interflora network, we can deliver your bouquet or flower arrangement abroad, in many cases the same day (depending on the time difference). Each country has its own available range. The flowers are therefore not delivered by plane, but the order is forwarded digitally and then carried out and delivered abroad by the local florist!