Yes, you can. You can indicate your preferred delivery location when placing your order. Simply tell us if it concerns a private address, company or funeral directors. The florist will bear the location in mind when making the delivery (e.g. company deliveries are made before 17:00 hrs).
Would you like to have the bouquet delivered to a hospital? Let us know in the 'is there anything else we need to know' comments section. Remember to enter the department and room number. This will ensure prompt, hassle-free delivery!
You can select your preferred bouquet delivery date. Our florists deliver 6 days a week,, Monday - Saturday (but not on public holidays).
Unfortunately it is not possible to select a specific delivery time (period).
Yes, you can. We offer a special international selection.
Depending on the time difference, it's often possible to arrange same day delivery of your bouquet. Around 40,000 florists in around 140 countries across the globe are affiliated with Fleurop. Simply enter the international recipient's address and telephone number under the delivery address.
Have you encountered a problem? No problem; get in touch via live chat or call +31 (0)318- 588 100  (no hidden charges).
Our florists do their utmost every day to deliver all orders between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Due to crowds or weather conditions, delivery may sometimes take place after 6:00 PM.
If the recipient is not at home, we will try to deliver the bouquet to the neighbors or the florist will leave a note.
If you place your order before 14:00 hrs on Monday-Friday, the bouquet will be delivered later that day. On Saturdays same day deliveries will be made for orders placed before 12:00 hrs. Deliveries are not made on Sundays or public holidays.
Yes, you can. Your personal details are never divulged to the recipient. Unless you enter your name on the greeting card yourself. If you don't put a name on the greeting card, your bouquet will be sent anonymously. The sender's details are never shared with the recipient without their consent.
Your bouquet will always be delivered in person - that's a nice touch!
Each Fleurop bouquet is delivered in beautiful, protective packaging. Our eco-friendly packaging is the ideal gift wrap for your bouquet.
Tips on how to care for the flowers, and the flower food, are included in the little sachet. Here you will also find the Fleurop florist's details.
An attempted delivery card will be popped through the recipient's letter box to let them know they missed the delivery. This card lists the florists details which the recipient can use to arrange collection of a fresh bouquet. Or, the bouquet may be left with neighbours. In that case, the neighbours' address will be given on the attempted delivery card.
A €6.95 charge covers nationwide bouquet delivery in person.
Our florists use Track & Trace. As soon as the bouquet has been delivered, the order status will be updated. You will then be sent confirmation of receipt by email. Didn't get confirmation of receipt? Please check your spam inbox. Still no confirmation of receipt?
No problem; get in touch via live chat or call Customer Services on +31 (0)318- 588 100 (no hidden charges).
You can also deliver flowers to the Waddeneilanden: Texel, Terschelling and Ameland. Except for Texel, we dependent on the freight boat at Terschelling and Ameland. The freight boat makes its last departure on Friday morning and sails again on Monday. Unfortunately, this means that deliveries cannot be made to Terschelling and Ameland on Saturdays. This means you can only have flowers delivered on working days.
Please note: if you want flowers delivered to Terschelling and Ameland on Friday, you can order them no later than 2 p.m. on Thursday, because they have to be taken on the freight boat on Friday morning.
At Fleurop we believe it is important that alcohol is handled responsibly. Fleurop therefore does not sell alcoholic beverages to young people under the age of 18. When ordering a bouquet including alcoholic drinks, a check takes place at the checkout and it is agreed that both the orderer and the recipient are 18 years or older. An age check also takes place upon delivery of the bouquet.
Although we offer the flexibility to choose a delivery date, we cannot guarantee an exact delivery time. Our florists plan the route as efficiently and sustainably as possible. As a result, we have no insight into the exact route. We hope for your understanding and assure you that your bouquet is on its way to make someone happy!