Flower delivery Almere

There's nothing quite like receiving a surprise bouquet of beautiful flowers by a local Fleurop Interflora  florist..


Fleurop Interflora also delivers in Almere!

It’s easy to let your loved ones know you’re thinking of them. To send flowers to Almere it’s good to know that Fleurop Interflora delivers the same day, when you order flowers before 14pm (Monday till Friday) or 12am (Saturday).

Created by local florists

We pride ourselves on being the Netherlands most trusted name in flower delivery. We’ve been delighting customers since 1921. At this moment we have more than 1,000 florist in the Netherlands and over 40,000 worldwide.

Each Fleurop Interflora bouquet has 7 days vase warranty. Make your flower gift complete with a bottle of wine, a box of Merci chocolate, a bear of a vase. Everything is possible.

Find a florist in Almere

It’s good to know that with more than 1,000 local Fleurop Interflora florist, across the Netherlands, there will be one near you. See the list of Fleurop Interflora florists in your area:

Funeral flower delivery Almere

At this difficult time, we can at least make choosing, ordering and sending funeral flowers a little easier for you. Choose from our carefully selected range of classically beautiful funeral flowers and just let us know where we need to deliver them in Almere.

If you have any questions about any of our funeral tributes, please call our Customer care team on 0318- 588 100

Wie bezorgt de bloemen in Almere?

We vinden kwaliteit erg belangrijk. Naast onze 7 dagen vaasgarantie, werken wij ook met vaste Fleurop bloemisten, die bij ons aangesloten zijn. Wanneer je een boeket via Fleurop laat bezorgen kunnen wij je garanderen dat zij voldoen aan een hoge kwaliteit. 

Door heel Almere heen zijn er verschillende bloemisten bij ons aangesloten en is er dus altijd eentje in de buurt van de bestemming te vinden.

Fleurop, bezorgt een goed gevoel!
