Bridal bouquet Romantic
This Romantic bridal bouquet is a classic bridal bouquet in soft shades of pink and made with love for the most beautiful day of your live. This refined bouquet is a beautiful combination of roses, carnations, phlox and limonium. The result is a timeless and elegant bouquet and a tangible symbol of your love and a happy life together. To maintain the best appearance of the flowers over time, the bouquet is wrapped with a ribbon and stored in a vase filled with water.
Good to know: Order your wedding flowers at least seven days before the wedding day.
- Order at least three days before the desired delivery date to give the florist time to put together your bridal bouquet to perfection.
- Curated with love by the local, sustainable florist
- Manually checked and personally delivered
- Delivered fresh and in water and in a matching vase
Product: NL-70000002